
Note Cards from Goose Creek

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago


See a larger image of these cards ~ HERE!


Each set of five different cards comes with five envelopes. These are the first two of what I hope will ultimately be a dozen different card sets. Thank you for your appreciation of these lovely places in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia.


Email fred1st@gmail.com for special orders


Please specify HOW MANY of each SET (Floyd County Scenes or Parkway)

and give your mailing address.


Please send $10 per set plus $1 per set shipping

and $0.50 per set if you are a VA Resident

to Goose Creek Press   1020 Goose Creek Run   Check, VA 24072  

Checks Payable to Goose Creek Press and THANKS!


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